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📰 How to process Nominal Rolls ?

Steps to be followed strictly to process Nominal Rolls for attaching them directly to coolhut007 UltraSmart 6.0...

  • Download Schemewise, Branchwise and Semester / Yearwise Nominal Rolls from the Official Website in Microsoft Excel format with .xls extension.

  • Save the downloaded Nominal Roll with the name specified as SCHEMEBRANCHCODESEMESTER/YEARNUMBERwithSforSemester/YforYear.xls.
  1. Example: C09EE6S.xls          for         C09_DEEE_6th_Semester Nominal Roll 
  2. Example: C05CCEE3Y.xls     for         C05_CCEE_3rd_Year Nominal Roll

  • After saving the Nominal Roll, open it with Microsoft Excel.

  • Remove the top and bottom rows which don't have any useful information.

  • Change the Column Heading having PIN Numbers as PIN.

  • Select all the content in the sheet using Ctrl+A

  • Apply Find and Replace command using Ctrl+H

  • Type - in Find text box and type nothing in Replace text box to replace '-' with nothing.

  • Rename the sheet with the file name (as specified above, ex: C09EE6S) by right clicking the mouse on sheet tab.

  • Finally, a processed Nominal Roll looks like this...
Click on the image to get clear view of the processed Nominal Roll

  • Then save and close the file.