Simple steps to upload Database to a Gmail account...
1. Go to Database Manager.
2. Select menu item 'Gmail Database' from the main menu 'Tools'.
It prompts a message box that alerts the user to upload the Database.
3. Click on Yes button to upload Database.
4. Then the application coolhut007 UltraSmart 6.0 displays a message to input the user's Gmail Address.
5. Enter valid Gmail Address and then click on Sign in button.
Uploading will be started. It may take few moments depending on the Internet Speed.
6. After successful sending of Database as an attachment to Gmail Account,
the Upload Database to a Gmail Account window will be closed and the user will be taken back to Database Manager.
1. Go to Database Manager.
2. Select menu item 'Gmail Database' from the main menu 'Tools'.
It prompts a message box that alerts the user to upload the Database.
4. Then the application coolhut007 UltraSmart 6.0 displays a message to input the user's Gmail Address.
Uploading will be started. It may take few moments depending on the Internet Speed.
6. After successful sending of Database as an attachment to Gmail Account,
the Upload Database to a Gmail Account window will be closed and the user will be taken back to Database Manager.